our work
The Open University / Helping OU prospects to feel the fear and do it anyway
“Pull yourself together you lily livered nit!” It’s an interesting approach to confidence building – but then what else would you expect from Baldrick…
To support the Open University’s ‘Life-changing learning’ mission, we were commissioned to interview a number of the OU’s honorary graduates about their relationship with confidence, success and fear, to help inspire others to feel more confident about exploring their potential.
Sir Tony Robinson, Annie Lennox, Michael Eavis and Sir Tim Smit graciously agreed to take part in the campaign, and we researched each of them carefully before meeting them, in order to try and capture a fresh angle on each and explore a specific life experience we thought that the OU’s potential students would relate to.
Each interviewee was incredibly lovely – and time short. In some cases (we’re looking at you, Tony Robinson…) we only had 30 minutes to get in, get set up, get the story and get out. It felt spontaneous and fun, and this shines through in the end result.
The films were activated in the OU’s social channels and used as the content backbone for a series of conversion emails designed to encourage those nervous about taking the plunge to take a deep breath and jump. Fortune favours the brave…